The trend of remote jobs is growing rapidly. According to Forbes, about 65% of workers always desire to work remotely. Meanwhile, 32% prefer a hybrid schedule, blending remote flexibility with in-office collaboration.

This shift reflects a broader preference for flexible work environments. Remote work offers employees the benefits of flexibility and a better work-life balance. However, it also presents challenges for companies in recognising and rewarding their remote employees. 

This blog aims to address these challenges by providing you with ten effective ways to recognise and reward your remote employees. It gives you strategies used by top brands. Read on to learn how to keep your remote team motivated and appreciated.

Here are the top ways to reward your employees and recognize their hard work to promote a healthy workspace:

1. Personalized Performance Awards

Recognize top-performing employees with tailored awards that reflect their individual achievements and preferences. This boosts morale and shows appreciation for their unique contributions.

  • Tailored Gifts: Offer personalised items like engraved plaques or custom artwork tailored to the recipient’s tastes. This personal touch makes employees feel truly valued.
  • Experience Vouchers: Provide vouchers for experiences like cooking classes or virtual escape rooms to add a fun element to recognition. Employees appreciate these unique and memorable rewards.
  • Bonus Systems: Implement bonus systems tied to performance metrics to directly reward high-achieving employees. This approach aligns recognition with tangible accomplishments and motivates continued excellence.
  • Subscription Services: Give subscriptions to services like streaming platforms or fitness apps to enhance employees’ personal lives. Such rewards show care for employees’ well-being beyond the workplace.
  • Public Recognition: Highlight achievements in company newsletters or meetings to publicly celebrate employee successes. 

Google gives personalised swag reflecting employees’ achievements.

2. Virtual Team Celebrations

Host engaging virtual celebrations to promote team spirit and recognize group achievements. These events keep remote employees connected and motivated.

  • Online Parties: Organise themed virtual parties with games and activities to create a fun and engaging atmosphere. These events help build camaraderie among remote team members.
  • Recognition Ceremonies: Hold ceremonies to honour employee milestones and successes, providing a formal way to celebrate achievements. These ceremonies make employees feel valued and acknowledged.
  • Interactive Workshops: Arrange fun workshops like virtual cooking or art classes to provide a break from work and promote team bonding. Such activities encourage creativity and collaboration.
  • Guest Speakers: Invite motivational speakers to share insights during celebrations, adding value and inspiration to the event. These sessions can provide fresh perspectives and boost motivation.
  • Team Challenges: Run friendly competitions like fitness challenges or scavenger hunts to promote teamwork and healthy competition. 

HubSpot hosts online parties and trivia nights.

3. Customised Care Packages

Send personalised care packages to remote employees to show appreciation and provide a tangible connection to the company.

  • Themed Packages: Create packages around holidays or company events to add a festive touch and show thoughtfulness. These themed packages can make employees feel included in company celebrations.
  • Local Goods: Include items from local businesses to support communities and offer unique, region-specific treats. This approach also develops a sense of community and support.
  • Wellness Kits: Provide wellness-focused items like aromatherapy kits or stress-relief toys to promote health and well-being. These kits show care for employees’ physical and mental health.
  • Hobby Supplies: Tailor packages to employees’ hobbies like gardening or painting, encouraging personal interests outside of work. This personalization shows that you value their individuality.
  • Customised Notes: Include handwritten notes from managers or peers to add a personal and heartfelt touch to the package. 

GitHub sends themed care packages during major product launches.

4. Skill Development Sponsorships

Invest in your employees’ growth by sponsoring skill development opportunities. This not only rewards them but also enhances their capabilities.

  • Course Reimbursements: Cover costs for professional courses or certifications to support continuous learning and career advancement. Employees appreciate the investment in their future.
  • Conference Passes: Provide access to industry conferences and seminars to expose employees to new ideas and networking opportunities. These experiences can inspire innovation and growth.
  • Online Learning Platforms: Offer memberships to platforms like Coursera or Udacity to provide a wealth of learning resources. Employees can enhance their skills at their own pace.
  • Internal Training Programs: Develop in-house training tailored to employee needs to ensure relevant and targeted skill development. These programs can be more directly aligned with company goals.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair employees with mentors to guide their development and offer personalised support and advice. 

Amazon reimburses employees for relevant skill development courses.

5. Public Acknowledgment Platforms

Use public platforms to acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements. This recognition boosts morale and highlights the value of each team member.

  • Company Intranet: Feature employee stories and achievements on the company intranet to ensure widespread visibility. This platform can regularly showcase standout employees and their contributions.
  • Social Media Shoutouts: Celebrate achievements on company social media accounts to publicly recognize employees and enhance their professional reputation. This approach also promotes a positive company image.
  • Newsletter Features: Include employee spotlights in company newsletters to highlight accomplishments and share success stories with the entire organisation. These features can develop a sense of pride and community.
  • Virtual Town Halls: Recognize employees during virtual town hall meetings to provide real-time public acknowledgement. These sessions can create a shared sense of celebration and appreciation.
  • Digital Badges: Award digital badges for accomplishments to visually represent achievements and milestones. 

Microsoft’s internal network regularly showcases standout employees.

6. Flexible Work Hours Incentives

Offer flexible work hours as an incentive to recognize and reward employees. This promotes work-life balance and increases job satisfaction.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Allow employees to choose their work hours to better fit their personal lives and preferences. This flexibility can lead to increased productivity and satisfaction.
  • Compressed Workweeks: Provide options for compressed workweeks to give employees longer weekends or extra days off. This incentive can help reduce burnout and improve morale.
  • Flex Days: Offer additional flexible days off as rewards for exceptional performance, allowing employees to recharge. This benefit shows appreciation for hard work and dedication.
  • Staggered Hours: Enable staggered start and end times to accommodate different time zones and personal routines. This flexibility can enhance overall team efficiency and harmony.
  • Remote Work Allowance: Increase remote work days as a reward for high performance to offer more freedom and convenience. 

Dell offers flexible scheduling to accommodate different time zones and personal needs.

7. Exclusive Online Courses Access

Grant access to exclusive online courses as a reward for employees. This promotes continuous learning and professional development.

  • Specialised Courses: Provide access to specialised industry courses to help employees gain in-depth knowledge in their field. This reward can lead to significant professional growth.
  • Premium Memberships: Offer premium memberships to learning platforms to provide employees with extensive learning resources. This access can enhance their skill set and career prospects.
  • Certifications: Sponsor certifications in relevant fields to formally recognize employees’ expertise and dedication. These certifications can boost their credentials and career advancement.
  • Workshops and Webinars: Grant access to high-quality workshops and webinars to provide interactive learning experiences. These sessions can be more engaging and impactful.
  • Internal Expert Sessions: Organise sessions with internal experts to share knowledge and promote a culture of continuous learning. 

Google provides employees with premium access to Coursera and Pluralsight.

8. Wellness Program Subscriptions

Provide subscriptions to wellness programs to support employees’ physical and mental health. This shows you care about their well-being.

  • Fitness App Memberships: Offer memberships to fitness apps like Peloton or Headspace to encourage regular exercise and mindfulness. These tools can help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Health Club Discounts: Provide discounts on health club memberships to make it easier for employees to stay active. This benefit can promote long-term health and fitness.
  • Nutrition Plans: Give access to personalised nutrition plans to support healthy eating habits and overall well-being. This approach can improve energy levels and productivity.
  • Mental Health Services: Offer subscriptions to mental health services to provide support and resources for emotional well-being. This support can reduce stress and improve mental health.
  • Virtual Fitness Classes: Arrange virtual fitness classes for employees to participate in from home. 

Salesforce offers discounted gym memberships as part of their wellness program.

9. Peer-to-Peer Recognition Initiatives

Encourage a culture of appreciation by implementing peer-to-peer recognition initiatives. This maintains a supportive and collaborative work environment.

  • Recognition Platforms: Use platforms like Bonusly for peer recognition to make it easy for employees to acknowledge each other’s contributions. This system can enhance team spirit and morale.
  • Kudos Boards: Create digital boards for sharing kudos and appreciation to publicly celebrate achievements. These boards can promote a culture of continuous recognition and positivity.
  • Monthly Awards: Implement monthly peer-nominated awards to formally recognize outstanding contributions and create friendly competition. This initiative can motivate employees to excel.
  • Shoutout Channels: Set up shoutout channels in communication tools like Slack to provide a space for daily peer recognition. These channels can keep recognition visible and frequent.
  • Recognition Emails: Encourage employees to send recognition emails to highlight specific contributions and express gratitude. 

Microsoft’s peer recognition program includes sending personalised thank-you emails.

10. Remote Experience Enhancements

Improve the remote work experience with enhancements that make employees’ work environments more comfortable and efficient.

  • Home Office Stipends: Provide stipends for setting up home offices to ensure employees have the necessary equipment. This support can enhance productivity and comfort.
  • Ergonomic Equipment: Supply ergonomic chairs and desks to promote health and well-being in home office setups. This equipment can prevent discomfort and long-term health issues.
  • High-Speed Internet Subsidies: Cover costs for high-speed internet to ensure smooth and reliable connectivity. This subsidy can eliminate barriers to effective remote work.
  • Technology Upgrades: Provide the latest technology and tools to keep employees up-to-date and efficient. This investment can boost performance and satisfaction.
  • Comfort Enhancements: Send items like noise-cancelling headphones or air purifiers to create a more pleasant work environment. 

Twitter offers stipends for purchasing home office equipment.

Wrapping Up

Creating a healthy and motivating workspace for remote employees is crucial for their engagement and productivity. By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can effectively recognize and reward your remote team, fostering a positive work culture and boosting morale. Remember, a motivated team is a productive team.

If you are facing issues in scaling a remote team and lack time to reward and maintain HR activities, contact Avyenter, your HR partner, to solve scalability issues in the work environment. Talk to our expert now!

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